Saturday, October 2, 2010

A Tribute to Dr. Ray Bauer, a year later

A year gone by, a legacy left behind, a man not forgotten…

We opened a new HS wing on September 7, 2010. Ray Bauers’ carefully laid plans with architects for open space, skylights, wide halls and new technologies have become a reality. The feel of the new space is no surprise if you knew Ray. What is surprising, and certainly not planned, is the amazing Bauer Commons.

In the early days of school, when first passing, you find yourself taking time - time to consider the beautiful lithographs depicting everyday high school life.  Ray would love this! And on the opposite wall, a tribute to Dr. Ray.  A lithograph and epitaph of Ray along with his signature; the floor to ceiling high letters spelling out Bauer Commons with quotes from Ray, students, staff and community woven throughout and the magnificent granite memorial.  So much to take in… a reminder of his careful planning and love for Milford High School staff, students, parents and community. The tears flow, memories are shared with strangers, friends and colleagues and we go on about our way. But from time to time we pause in this spacious hall. We walk the Bauer Commons… on tough days; hard days; days struggling with contractors trying to get the technology environment right; days fought for teachers; and Ray’s words resonate through our hearts and minds.  Words that keep us focused on what it’s all about, why we are here, what we need to do.

“The smallest act of kindness can make the biggest difference.”
 “You can be anything, do anything.”
“Every day is a good day. Some are just better than others.”
 “Pay attention to every situation you are in. You never know where the experience may lead you or who may be observing.”

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