Originally posted in the Know New Ideas Community - September 12, 2012 - In Celebration of Dot Day!
It’s that time of year again, when kids across the nation head back to
school, full of hope and anticipation. Shiny hallways, uncluttered
classrooms, anxious smiles - a perfect time for International Dot Day – a
reminder that each and every day we have an opportunity to expand
students’ horizons and encourage them to make their own unique mark on
the world.

The Dot always takes me back to my undergrad years as an elementary education major. With fear and
trepidation, many of us faced our first art class since elementary
school days. As all great teachers do, our professor set high
expectations and then gently led us down the path of re-awakening our
inner artist. A clay otter, paper sculpture Dopey, and wildflower
sketch later, I rediscovered the power of translating what I could see
in my mind’s eye into art, created through my own hands.

forward to 2007, the Constructivist Celebration in Atlanta’s Botanical
Garden, and I face my fears once again as Peter Reynolds challenges us
to find our inner artist and join him at the “teacup” art table. As I
moved from station to station that day, constructing creative technology
projects, and avoiding the teacup station, I realized that time and art
supplies were running out at the popular teacup table. Facing my fears
and remembering that once before, as a young adult, I had found great
satisfaction in making the mind, eye and hand connection, I mustered my
courage, approached the table, gathered supplies, sketched and painted.
Unsure, feeling inadequate to the task, I took the leap and put forth
my best effort. Much to my surprise, Peter took ahold of my teacup as
the paint was drying and showed it to my fellow artists at the table.
After several oohs and ahs, I relaxed, feeling supported and quite proud
of my little teacup. I had just experienced
The Dot in real life!

reminded me that day that as educators we have the amazing opportunity
to awaken inside of our students their inner talents and skills, gently
nudging, encouraging and celebrating with them small successes along the
way. What an honor and responsibility!
Peter left his mark on me that sunny day in June ~ who will you leave your mark on this school year?