...This great title caught my eye in a recent email from eSchoolNews. In the full article, they quote AASA's Keynote Speaker Donna Brazille...
There is "so much hope, so much energy--so many people willing to do the right thing," she said. "This is our moment now--let's seize it to serve a greater cause than ourselves."
What a profound statement! At this very moment in time - when we are all worried about both personal and school finances, it's time to dig in and seize the opportunity that our new President has set at our feet. How will our 50 states respond to this unique chance to make a difference with technology through the EETT funds set aside for competitive grants? Will they choose solutions that have the potential to transform teaching and learning...or will it be same old, same old?
Now is the time to reflect on what we have learned from previous experiments with educational technology. Now is the time to spend these dollars wisely. Our 21st Century learners are waiting...